• Baptist Foundations
    Books,  Pastoring,  Theology

    Why church membership?

    Our residency is reading Baptist Foundations this month. Highly recommended! The following stuck out to me the other day, and I am just now getting around to posting: Reacting to the quote Part of me wants to ask what you, the reader, think. But I think that is the wrong question. The right question is, “What does Scripture say?” When we view the intersection and trajectory of Matthew, John, Acts, Corinthians (1 and 2), Ephesians, Galatians, the pastoral epistles, Hebrews, Peter’s missives and Revelation (just to name a few), it is hard to come to the conclusion that the local church is a “nice to have,” instead of central to…

  • Books,  Pastoring,  Theology

    To Transform Men, Women and Nations

    We live in an age of easy-believing. Many of those professing the name of Christ offer a false gospel, trading in a parody of Jesus’ message that demands neither conviction for sin nor alignment with God’s will. Words like “love” are used to cover up and condone sin rather than shine a redemptive spotlight on it. God is reduced to a doting uncle, who loves us but is largely out of the picture, leaving man to rescue himself. He would never punish, and sin is something that can be forgiven without a concern for holiness or justice. The words of Jesus provide a strong contrast: “If anyone would come after…

  • Fermentation,  Food

    Kombucha for Beginners (Using a Starter Kit)

    About a week (and a little bit) ago, I started a 1 gallon batch of kombucha. I was given a starter kit last Christmas, an am only now getting around to it! In any case, I bottled today after church, producing 6 Grolsch bottles worth of kombucha. Used a bit of sugar water in each to prime (probably under-primed, but I . Now we wait a couple days before sampling the finished product. I should have sampled prior to bottling, but I forgot. The smell was right, so I remain hopeful. I did start a new batch, using Earl Grey Crème from The Spice and Tea Exchange. A little citrusy,…

  • Cover Art from Princeton and the Christian Ministry
    Books,  Pastoring,  Theology

    Folly of the first magnitude

    Random quote by one Archibald Alexander that I found noteworthy: It is evident, therefore, that he who trifles with the truth, trifles with his own life. To be indifferent about truth, is a folly of the first magnitude. To be governed by mere inclination, taste or fashion, in the adoption of our religious opinions, is indicative of a diseased and dangerous state of mind. Truth is so vital and so necessary to the existence and perfection of a pious character, that we cannot be too solicitous to acquire correct knowledge. Pride, prejudice, and partiality, should be laid aside, and the love of truth should be kept alive in our souls.…

  • Books,  Theology

    No destroying angel can touch us

    Our residency has been reading The Pastor in Prayer this month, and it has been a powerful book so far. What great prayers, what firm conviction! What a heart for the church, for the nations, for the lost! Such high praise is well warranted. This afternoon’s prayer, from “Intercession for the Saints,” stood out especially to me. Here is but a taste: …our Father, we would earnestly ask that every believer here may feel the power of the sprinkled blood most vividly and consciously. May we hear Jesus say by it, ‘Ye are clean, clean every whit’; and may we have a sense of entire security, because Thou hast Thyself…

  • Books,  Pastoring,  Theology

    Permission to Love One Another

    February’s residency read was The Pastor and Counseling by Jeremy Pierre and Deepak Reju. I think this book is a great introduction to the pastor’s call to really shepherd the flock. It is also a great place to begin thinking about how the call of the pastor has a trajectory of whole body involvement in discipleship, including biblical counseling. Chapter Seven, especially, points the reader to consider how the whole body works together for health of individuals and church alike: A culture of discipleship means that members don’t have to sign up for anything to get permission to love one another. It is a church culture where it is normal…

  • Books,  Language

    Not a Bad Beginning

    This afternoon, preparing to read and pray through Lamentations 2 in the morning, I jumped into John Goldingay’s NICOT offering, The Book of Lamentations. I will have to go back and read the introductory material soon. But for now, right into the meat of the poem! Lamentations 2 The following made me stop for a bit, both for its own merit, and for a failure on my part to grasp a word. There was a sense in which the temple belonged in the heavens. It linked the earth and the heavens. The earthly temple was a kind of portal. When people entered the temple, they entered Yahweh’s heavenly dwelling. But…

  • Books,  Theology

    First, Daily, and Last Word

    I finished Ray Ortlund’s The Death of Porn the other day. The appendix is a short article titled “A Man’s Identity”, by David Powlison. The whole thing is great, as is the rest of Ortlund’s book, but this quote in particular grabbed my attention: Your true identity is who God says you are. You will never discover who you are by looking inside yourself or listening to what others say. The Lord gets the first word because he made you. He gets the daily word because you live before his face. He gets the last word because he will administer your “comprehensive life review.” David Powlison, “A Man’s Identity” (the…

  • Books,  Theology

    First to Wound, Then to Heal

    I was gripped by today’s reading in Refreshment for the Soul. Temptation and sin waging war, Satan in all his boastful taunting, it is helpful to read of the savior’s mercy. Of his patience. Of his own temptations, of his victory. But mostly of his grace poured out on me in my sin and weakness: Let this support us when we feel ourselves bruised. Christ’s way is first to wound, then to heal. No sound, whole soul will ever enter into heaven. Think when in temptation, Christ was tempted for me; according to my trials will be my graces and comforts. If Christ be so merciful as not to break…