Used Books Day
Friday, my wife had to be dropped off in Easley. I decided to go the extra distance and make a run to Mr. K’s Used Books. Supporting such a trek was the fact that my wife had set aside a box of books to trade in, while cleaning out her office.
Turns out that most of the books were not accepted as trade-in. But, with the little bit I had made, I was able to pick out a couple interesting items:
Introduction to the Theory of Relativity by Peter Gabriel Bergmann
Der Spieler und andere Romane (Dostoyevski, in German!)
Medieval and Modern Greek by Robert Browning (ooooooh)
And the opportunity to review the leftovers scored me a textbook on genetics that my wife no longer cared to keep. Score!
Well, I decided I would run the remainder to the local Salvation Army store, along with some clothes and kid-size puzzles in the back of the car. Turns out that often enough I can make some pretty good discoveries. This time I came away with a copy of Robert Schalkoff’s Artificial Intelligence: An Engineering Approach.