Some words are worth keeping
Browsing social media earlier today, I was greeted by a graphic leading with the words, “The difference between Jesus and religion…” It went on from there to claim that religion shames people, while Jesus stoops to wash their feet. Pitting Jesus against religion rarely ends well. My gut reaction was an inner groan, but I thought it deserved a little more thought, a little more reflection. Giving the benefit of the doubt, the creators of the image likely mean that following Jesus is intimate and relational, rather than a production or self-righteous pursuit of glory at the expense of others. They want followers of Jesus to show grace, mercy and…
First to Wound, Then to Heal
I was gripped by today’s reading in Refreshment for the Soul. Temptation and sin waging war, Satan in all his boastful taunting, it is helpful to read of the savior’s mercy. Of his patience. Of his own temptations, of his victory. But mostly of his grace poured out on me in my sin and weakness: Let this support us when we feel ourselves bruised. Christ’s way is first to wound, then to heal. No sound, whole soul will ever enter into heaven. Think when in temptation, Christ was tempted for me; according to my trials will be my graces and comforts. If Christ be so merciful as not to break…